Environmentally friendly option that prioritizes the life and health of your staff
Health & Environment
Safe Wear Plate is not only a smart choice when it comes to ensuring worker safety and well-being, but it is also an environmentally friendly option.
Safe lifting and easy installation
When using traditional wear plates, safe lifting cannot be achieved, which increases the risk of back and pinch injuries during the assembly process.
The Safe Wear Plate solves this by offering a construction that is designed with a goods thread that enables safe and smooth lifting both during assembly and disassembly. Safe Wear Plate promotes a safe working environment and reduces the risk of work injuries such as crushing, back or burn injuries.

Dismantling with hand or power tools
With the Safe Wear Plate, we can offer a dismantling process that is not only fast and efficient, but also safe and gentle on the environment and the work environment.
The Safe Wear Plate enables disassembly using only hand or power tools, eliminating the need for fossil gas cutting. By avoiding fossil fuels, we reduce the carbon footprint and dependence on non-renewable energy sources. This not only reduces the environmental impact by reducing harmful gas emissions, but also eliminates health risks. It will be a safe working environment where the fitters can carry out their tasks without worrying about dangerous chemicals or hot work.